Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Magician-Day 2

The Magician makes everything possible. 

All power is mine.

Manifestation is at my fingertips. 

As above, so below. 

As the Universe commands the laws of nature, so is power at my will. 

What are my intentions? 

I desire a more active life. One that does not limit me. 

Muggle you say?  *Cackle*

I see a productive life. I see a place to grow my own herbs. I see them growing and thriving in good health. A long type box to hold the dirt and seeds will do. Oh, and an umbrella will be needed as well to shield them from the overbearing Sun here in the desert. 

I see a thriving tarot business and metaphysical shop to sell my herbs, and homemade incenses, and whatever else I pick up along the way. Books, oils, herbs, wands, and all sorts of mystical lore and teachings. Oh and don't forget the crystals! 

I am the magician. I have the power. I need merely wield it. So where do I start? 

I begin with me. I begin with deriving what is important to me. What sparks my soul? What do I have to give to the Universe? What do I need from the Universe? 

I took from the Universe selfishly for a very long time. I did not know the power within and all  of the positive that could come from positive. I was a negative nelly and had experienced a great deal of trauma from the moment I was brought into this world. I found myself all alone. Alone with a stack full of cards that were created as positive affirmations by myself and my pagan priest. I realized that I could do it. I could change from being negative to positive. Everyone was leaving me because of what a dark place I was stuck in. So I set out to change myself. For myself. I set out to learn how to be my own best friend. I leaned the hard way that the only person you can truly depend on is yourself. No one else is going to change your life but you. 

I began to manifest positive. I did those flash cards we made alone. I did them everyday and I did them in the mirror, and pretty soon I was not using the cards; I was just in the mirror saying the things we wrote on those cards, but I was saying those things from my heart. I was becoming my own best friend. Today it is not uncommon for me to say "I love you" and be talking to myself.  

During this time, I was also homeless. I had been stuck believing that I would never be able to afford living on my own, as I am disabled and on a fixed income. I always had to have a roomate to make ends meet. My life had taken a huge dive due to someone elses muck and one more time I found myself thinking "I just want my own home! All mine with no roomates! Oh and I must have a cat." So I started looking. It was clear there was no way I could stay in the city and afford anything more then what I had been getting. So I started looking elsewhere. I also did a ritual to honor the changes in myself and to ask for a little help as well. 

Today, nine months later, I own my own home. 

I merely needed to believe. 

Well, it's time to get to manifesting again! As I wrote yesterday there is so much more I want to do. My biggest dream is to have the store I mentioned above. But I have to start with me. There is much work to do within and clutter to clear away to get to where I am going. But I am going!